The fourth instalment of the article about Kommandos Götz, Sperling and Hecht, and 1.(F)/123, covering March 1945, plus more about No. 443 Squadron's action over Rheine on 22 January 1945.
Jagdgruppe 200: additions about the events of 14 July 1944 (including Uffz. Cöster's capture by the Resistance) and corrections to pilots' names.
Geschwader Bongart: revised page layout to include new material about 6 and 29 June; 11–24 July; 2, 11, 13, 18, 19 and 22 August 1944. Changes to the Appendix on the unit's aircraft.
More about the activities of Nachtjagdstaffel Norwegen in October and November 1944.
1.(F)/100: addition of the unit's strength on the evening of 12 April 1945.
Additions to the Ar 234 in Norway and Denmark article based on RAF Signals Intelligence reports; also changes to the page layout.
More about Obltn. Gerhard Bahr, transferred to NAG 6 in February 1945.
A small addition regarding the NAG 6 ground echelon's move to Herzogenaurach in August 1944.
A little more about the history of three of the Bf 109s of II. and IV./EJG 1 attached to JG 7 in the target presentation role.
Operation Dragoon: a link to research by Paul Mathevet identifying one of the He 111s shot down by Hellcats of VOF-1 on 19 August 1944.
Corrections to layouts, links and typos.