10./ZG 1: several additions about operations in January and February 1944, including escorts for returning U-boats.
Geschwader Bongart: additions about the bombing of Guéret and the abduction of two U-boat officers.
Kommando Olga: map of operations over Holland and Belgium on 23 January 1945 and a page about Fhj.-Fw. Heinz Hauck's time with 6.(F)/123.
Operation Dragoon: information from the US Navy and a German radar station about anti-shipping raids on 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21 August 1944; more about USN claims of three Ju 52s on 21 August (thanks to Ronnie Olsthoorn and Georg Schlaug).
Markings and camouflage: an August 1944 message about the imminent delivery of Fw 190 and Bf 109 aircraft with unpainted lower surfaces.
Jagdgeschwader recognition bands: expanded text of a signal about the "transfer of further fighter forces … into the Reich … to cause [the enemy] such heavy losses that he is forced to give up the systematic destruction of the armaments industry."
KG 51 fighter operations: corrections regarding the fates of Oblt. Heinz Lehmann and Uffz. Horst Sanio (information courtesy of Jaap Woortmann).
The Arado 234 in Norway and Denmark: added a plan of Stavanger-Sola aerodrome.
Many minor corrections.