2015's additions and corrections to this site are listed opposite, with the most recent at the top.



Luftwaffe loss reports, May–December 1940: the fifth instalment, one page covering October.

KG 100, ULTRA and the Coventry Blitz: a note about the special Whitley bombers assigned to the Wireless Intelligence Development Unit; and a substantial rewrite of the page about Operation MEDIUM, identifying a possible cause for the destruction of German navigational beam station "SPREE."

Various layout corrections.



Luftwaffe loss reports, May–December 1940: the fourth instalment, two pages covering September.

KG 100, ULTRA and the Coventry Blitz: a new page about the joint RAF/RN Operation MEDIUM, during which a German navigational beam station was destroyed.

Geschwader Bongart: an addition about the attack on St. Donat-sur-l'Herbasse on 15 June 1944.

Minor layout corrections.



Luftwaffe loss reports, May–October 1940: the third instalment, two pages covering August.

Air raid damage: a new page on I./SKG 10's losses from 6–13 June 1944.

Staffel Kaatsch: identification of "Tessains" as Tessens and update to map, thanks to Yves Michelet.

Jagdgruppe 200: added information about Uffz. Gustav-Wilhem Ohmert's flying with the 1. Staffel in the period 3–25 July 1944. (My thanks to 12 o'clock High Forum member "Karl" for pointing me to this material).

Kommando Olga: a small addition about the fitting of tail-warning radar on Ju 188 Z6+DL of 6.(F)/123.



Luftwaffe loss reports, May–October 1940: the second instalment, four pages covering July.

I./JG 4 leaves Belgium: a new page detailing 15 Bf 109 G-14 lost or damaged while the Gruppe was withdrawing to Germany.

NSG 9: addition regarding Uffz. Karl Oefele.

Markings and camouflage: another reference to fighters' yellow nose markings in 1940.

ULTRA and the Coventry Blitz: new information about fears that a proposed German transmitter would jam their own navigational beams.

Geschwader Bongart: additions about Major von dem Bongart's first appearance in France in July 1940 and the bombing of Dortan, four years later.

Addition of a page count to the home page (530 pages so far).

Yet more work on format and appearance of pages, plus minor corrections.



Major and somewhat obsessive effort to get everything displaying as intended, in a sans-serif font. All kinds of minor corrections along the way.



Luftwaffe loss reports, May–October 1940: the first part of a new article on Ultra reports mentioning lost, missing and damaged aircraft during the Battle of France and Battle of Britain.

Geschwader Bongart: a mission by IV./KG 100 on 19 June 1944 (thanks to information in a new book by Jean-Louis Roba).

Green's last kill: changes to the conclusions, based on new information about salvaged aircraft at Bonn-Hangelar; a new page about Ofw. Jürgen Campsen of NSG 1.

Markings and camouflage: new page added with several items from 1940.

ULTRA and the Battle of Britain: some changes to the introduction.

Adlertag: additions about a proposal to bomb the RAF's home airfields during the Battle of France and German units ordering self-destruct charges for their aircraft.

KGr. 100, first weeks in France: various minor amendments and corrections.

KGr. 100, Ultra and the Coventry Blitz: more about the 2./KG 1 Heinkel that crashed on Johnson Road, Bromley in November 1940; various minor corrections.

He 111 Torpedo Operations: a small addition about KGr. 126 aircraft at Marx.

Many layout corrections.



10./ZG 1: a new page about Teilkommando 5./196 (J) Brest-Süd.

The last days of 3./NAG 13: timeline of the American advance into Bavaria added.

Staffel Kaatsch: a map of operations and a revised page layout.

Kommando Götz: small additions regarding operations on 4 January and 21 March 1945.

Operation Dragoon: a little more about Seenotstaffel 3 and its plans to withdraw from France.

ULTRA and the Coventry Blitz: information added about ULTRA's revelation of Knickebein and German plans to bomb British cross-channel guns.

Geschwader Bongart: a note about a German propaganda attempt to link the Haute Savoie Maquis with a serial killer in Paris; a small revision regarding damaged Re. 2002s at Lyon-Bron.

SG 4: Last Battles in Italy: correction of the name of Uffz. Günter Panknin (as per German war graves records).

Extensive layout corrections throughout the site (but no doubt I'll find more).



A new (short) article on the last days of 3./NAG 13.

3./NAG 13 in May 1944: something about the circumstances of the loss of Bf 109 G-8 W.Nr. 710124.

Operation Dragoon: a note about an Fw 190 of 2./NAG 13 (thanks to Peter van Gogh); more about the loss of a Do 24 to a Mosquito intruder on 15 August 1944.

Geschwader Bongart: more about 2./FAG 5's operation on 4 July 1944.

Using ULTRA: more about online access to the DEFE3 series files.

1.(F)/100: information on a further mission on 22 April 1945.



Kommando Götz: more about operations on 11 February 1945.

I./JG 2 in Italy: discovery of a wreck from the 454th BG's combat on 3 March 1944.

SG 4 in Italy: the fate of a 324th FG pilot in the combat of 13 May 1944.

Kommando Olga: identification of 6.(F)/123's Z6+DL as a Ju 188, and the aircraft's fate.

Operation Dragoon: more about converting II./KG 26's aircraft for bombing; more about Seenotstaffel 3 and its aircraft; more about events on 13 and 14 August 1944; the loss of a Do 24 SE of Dijon; the evacuation of aircraft on 19 August and 20 August; orders for reconnaissance on 22 August; Seenotkdo. Berre's transfer orders; correction to Appendix 2; and a note added to Appendix 3: Orders of Battle.

Geschwader Bongart: a note about operations on 5 August 1944; details of another He 46 of the III. Gruppe; a contact between Oberst von dem Bongart and NJ Staffel Norwegen.

Many corrections to layouts and typos.



10./ZG 1: several additions about operations in January and February 1944, including escorts for returning U-boats.

Geschwader Bongart: additions about the bombing of Guéret and the abduction of two U-boat officers.

Kommando Olga: map of operations over Holland and Belgium on 23 January 1945 and a page about Fhj.-Fw. Heinz Hauck's time with 6.(F)/123.

Operation Dragoon: information from the US Navy and a German radar station about anti-shipping raids on 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21 August 1944; more about USN claims of three Ju 52s on 21 August (thanks to Ronnie Olsthoorn and Georg Schlaug).

Markings and camouflage: an August 1944 message about the imminent delivery of Fw 190 and Bf 109 aircraft with unpainted lower surfaces.

Jagdgeschwader recognition bands: expanded text of a signal about the "transfer of further fighter forces … into the Reich … to cause [the enemy] such heavy losses that he is forced to give up the systematic destruction of the armaments industry."

KG 51 fighter operations: corrections regarding the fates of Oblt. Heinz Lehmann and Uffz. Horst Sanio (information courtesy of Jaap Woortmann).

The Arado 234 in Norway and Denmark: added a plan of Stavanger-Sola aerodrome.

Many minor corrections.



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