continued …
(2) A/c of 3./NAG 13
W.Nr. 710061
Bf 109 G-8/MW 50
W.Nr. 710061 lost 24.05.44: engine fire on training flight; Fhj.-Fw. Krüger injured leg bailing out.
W.Nr. 710049, yellow 1 to strength 21.04.45: Rb 20/30; 2 x MG 131, 1 x MG 151; radio equipment lacking.
W.Nr. 710073
Bf 109 G-8/MW 50
W.Nr. 710073, yellow 2 handed over to Flers airfield workshop 04.06.44, crash repair, 35% damage.
W.Nr. 710091
Bf 109 G-8/MW 50
W.Nr. 710091 reported with radiator damage on 12.06.44; shot down by six Thunderbolts on 15.06.44.
W.Nr. 710124
Bf 109 G-8/MW 50
W.Nr. 710124 destroyed in crash, 30.05.44: "obstacles were illuminated, a/c crashed and was totally destroyed by fire."
6), 11) and 13) in Herzogenaurach
Bf 109 G-8 W.Nr. 710033, yellow 5: taken over from from modification detachment Herzogenaurach, 13.05.44. Equipment included MG 131 and MG 151. Shot down by eight Mustangs on 12.06.44 along with 710023 (see below).
Bf 109 G-8 W.Nr. 710076, yellow 5: taken over modification detachment Herzogenaurach on 13.05.44, armament MG 151 and MG 131. Reported off strength on 18.07.44 with 25% bomb damage.
Bf 109 G-8 W.Nr. 710023, yellow 6 taken over on 15.05.44 from re-equipping detachment, Herzogenaurach. Equipment: MG 151, MG 131; fitted for either 12.5 or 32.5, without camera; FuG 17 and 25a; fittings for MW 50.
W.Nr. 710028
Bf 109 G-8
"Away from station" on 28.06.44.
W.Nr. 161369
Bf 109 G-6/FuG 16Z, supports for auxiliary tanks
Belly-landed at Angers a/f with engine trouble, 17.25 hrs [GMT], 27.06.44. DB 605 A-1 W.Nr. 00201352 damaged 40%, airframe damaged 8%. U/s, change of engine on 28.06.44 and 03.07.44.
W.Nr. 710038
Bf 109 G-8
W.Nr. 710046
Bf 109 G-8
W.Nr. 710046 lost 07.08.44.
Bf 109 G-8 W.Nr. 710076, yellow 11 taken over from from modification detachment Herzogenaurach, 13.05.44. Equipment included MG 131 and MG 151.
W.Nr. 710064
Bf 109 G-8
Set on fire in hangar by gunfire in attack by 10 Mustangs; reported off-strength on 07.06.44.
Bf 109 G-8 W.Nr. 710067, yellow 13: taken over on 15.05.44 from re-equipping detachment, Herszogenaurach. Equipment: MG 151, MG 131; fitted for either 12.5 or 32.5, without camera; FuG 17 and 25a; fittings for MW 50. On 07.06.44, reported 30% damaged in emergency landing after being shot up.
Bf 109 G-8 W.Nr. 710044, yellow 13 taken over from Guyancourt workshop, 12.06.44. DB 605 A-1 W.Nr. 01900911; FuG 17 and fittings for Fug 25; Rb 7 x 9-12 camera; MW 50.
W.Nr. 710071
Bf 109 G-8
W.Nr. 710071 reported taken over from NAG 13 on 25.06.44.
Bf 109 G-8 W.Nr. 710051, yellow 15 crashed in flames on training flight, 12.05.44.
Bf 109 G-8 W.Nr. 710040, [yellow?] 16 damaged 8% taxying at Wahn, 03.01.45.
NOTE: From the known examples above, the number against each aircraft corresponds to its tactical marking.
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