2012's additions and corrections to this site are listed opposite, with the most recent at the top.



This site's eighth anniversary brings the following:

Reorganisation of the homepage with six shorter articles now grouped as Luftwaffe miscellany.

Kampfflieger Vol. 4: organisation diagrams for KG 200, February 1944–January 1945.

An addition to my list of "Complete works."

More about IX. Fliegerkorps' attack on Soissons on the night of 30-31 August 1944.

More detail of the shooting down and capture of Uffz. Helmut Breitweg of 1./JG 2.

Operation Dragoon: more about one Me 410 of 1.(F)/33.

Nachtjagdstaffel Norwegen article: addition of the date when the unit's He 219 was collected from I./NJG 1 (courtesy of Marcel Hogenhuis) and a little more about a sortie on the night of 11/12 April 1945.

A small addition to the article on Jagdgeschwader recognition bands, thanks to David E. Brown.

Note added to the 1.(F)/100 article about a possible error in a report of one operation (courtesy of 12 o'clock high forum member Stefan Lahres).

Minor corrections throughout.



Markings and camouflage section rebuilt and expanded, including a five-page article on Jagdgeschwader recognition bands.

Added to Kommando Schenck: information on Ofw. Lauer's mission of 27 August 1944 (courtesy of 12 o'clock high forum member "Karl").



Extract from a prisoner interrogation report added to the Kommando Schenck article along with, a record of three sorties on 27 August 1944 and an addition to the postscript regarding the date of another of the unit's operations.

Kampfflieger Vol. 4: an article on IX. Fliegerkorps' ebbing strength, its withdrawal from France and Belgium at the end of August 1944 and its bombers' operations over this period.

More about the loss of Oblt. Spies of Staffel Kaatsch and a new appendix with a calendar of operations.

Rearrangement of the ULTRA and the Battle of Britain front page.

More on the Lancaster shot down by Fw. Petersen of I./KG 51.

The initial allocation of aircraft tactical codes to Nachtjagdstaffel Finnland.

Minor corrections.



Information on two Fw 190s of SG 4 which force landed in Italy on 6 June 1944.

A new graphic in the Ar 234 in Norway and Denmark article.

A new graphic in the ULTRA and the Battle of Britain article.

Addition to the 1.(F)/100 article regarding Ar 234s seen by Allied photo-reconnaissance at Lechfeld and München-Riem.

Several additions to the Kommando Schenck article about the evacuation of Juvincourt, whether the Allies captured intact jet engines in France, and a postscript on Jan Horn's account of the unit's early days.

An addition to the account of Jagdgruppe 200's origins; something about the Flak's contributionto the combats of 24 July 1944.

Numerous additions and corrections to the Staffel Kaatsch article, including more details on aircraft used by the unit, a new appendix and the name of another pilot.

Additional information on Bf 109 G-8 aircraft of 3./NAG 13.

SG4: last battles in Italy: correction of a Bf 109 Werk Nummer from 2./NAG 11.



Added note about times in ULTRA reports from 1940 and consequential amendments to ULTRA and »Adlertag«: 13 August 1940.

Additions to ULTRA and the Coventry Blitz about shelling of the ISAR beam station; casualties among German signals personnel in Cherbourg; KGr. 100 ordering the loading of three aircraft with incendiary canisters; and a German reconnaissance flight to Birmingham.

A strength return for IV./EKG 1 on 4 April 1945, listing individual Me 262s and Fw 190s.

Ar 234 in Norway and Denmark: corrections, more about 1.(F)/33 machines found at Grove and additions to the list of sources.

Minor addition to the Staffel Kaatsch article (number of Bf 109s at Freiburg on 26 September).

Minor corrections to layout and typography.



New article, ULTRA and »Adlertag«: 13 August 1940.

Information on the victory claim by I./KG 51's Fw. Schmidt on 5 December 1944.

Additional information on Ltn. Entress of SG 4.

Added to ULTRA and the Coventry Blitz: the first deciphered message about plans to build Knickebein stations in France; a Bletchley Park note on German code names for targets.

A minor addition and many layout corrections to 1./NAG 1 and the Me 262.

Minor corrections.



Animation of the front page logo.

An article on fighter operations by I./KG 51's Me 262s in late November–December 1944, plus other activites by the Geschwader during that period.

Minor additions giving more details of operations by Jagdgruppe 200 in July 1944.

Update to Using Ultra to reflect the availability of DEFE3 series files via download.

Additional material about Ar 234 operations from Denmark in April 1945 (thanks to Jörn Junker).

A small addition to the Staffel Kaatsch article regarding the restoration of the landing area at Dijon prior ot the Staffel's arrival.

Small addition to NAG 6 and the Me 262.

Minor corrections.



Additional details of missions by Staffel Kaatsch.

Additional material about Ar 234 operations from Norway.

Minor corrections.



A new article about the Arado 234 in Norway and Denmark in 1945.



Extensive additions to the article about 2./NAG 6.

Additions to the 1./NAG 1 article about 4, 11 and 16 April 1945.

1.(F)/100: more on the effects of Allied attacks on Lechfeld and München-Riem on 9 and 16 April 1945.

Restoration of a link to a page on RAF combats with NSG 7 on 26 May 1944.



I./JG 2 in Italy: correction of one casualty report from 21 May 1944.

1.(F)/100: more on the arrival of the unit's first two Ar 234s in Biblis; additional strength return for the evening of 31 January 1945; a possible mission on 8 February 1945; information from Allied photo-reconnaissance cover of Bavarian aerodromes on 25 April 1945; information on the pilot who crashed on 22 April 1945 (thanks to Ian Atheling).

Information on the later use of two former aircraft of Staffel Kaatsch.

Additions to Einsatzkommando KG 51 about events on 21 and 26 August 1944.

And the corrections just keep on coming.



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