National Archives AIR20/7708: Translations Vol. IX AIR20/7891: Air activity over western front and Germany: situation reports, 1945 AIR22/503: Air Ministry W/T Intelligence Service Daily Summaries: Nos. 1948–2076, Vol. 28 (Jan–May 1945) AIR29/931: Disarmament Servicing and Recovery Units Nos. 434, 435 & 436 AIR37/9: Immediate Interpretation Reports, Daily airfield Reports (Western Europe), 26.4.44–5.5.45 AIR40/2687: German Air Force: daily summaries of teleprints and special reports for the period 11 July 1944–6th May 1945 AIR55/227: HQ Second TAF, Disarmament Intelligence Summary No. 2 et seq. AIR55/124 & 125: BAFO: Dissolution of the Luftwaffe Feb. 1944–Dec. 1946, Vols. I & II HW5 file series (deciphered German signals) HW13/21: Summaries of GAF operational activities, Aug 23 1944–May 11 1945 HW13/25: GAF Recce and bombing operations, Mar 19 1944–Mar 28 1945 HW13/156: 3A Summeries [sic] 1–45, Sept ’43 to April ’45 Imperial War Museum RAF Air Historical Branch 6 microfilms, Reel 2 Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv Freiburg-im-Breisgau RL 2-II/389: Morgen-, Abendmeldungen, Nachträge, Nachträge zu Schadensmeldungen (Lw. FüSt. Ic Meldewesen). Bd 5: Reichsgebiet (April 1945) RL II/391: Abendmeldungen West, Kommandierender General der Deutschen Luftwaffe in Dänemark (via Jorn Junker) RL2-III/67: Vortagsnotiz, 26.02.45 betr. Stand der Verlegung Kommando Götz nach Italien und Einsatzkommando 1.(F)/5 nach Norwegen RL4-II/32: Kriegstagebuch, General der Aufklärungsflieger, 1.1.45–26.3.45 Books J. Richard Smith & Eddie J. Creek: Arado 234 Blitz (Monogram Aviation Publications, Sturbridge Mass. 1992) ISBN 0914144510 Lawrence Paterson: Donitz’s Last Gamble, The Inshore U-Boat Campaign 1944-45 (Seaforth Publishing, 2008) ISBN 1844157148 Roger S. Gaemperle: Captured Eagles Volume 1 (Vintage Eagle Publishing, 2011) ISBN978-3-033-03007-7 Frithjof Ruud: Profiles in Norway No. 5, Arado Ar 234 B-2 (Arild Kjæraas, 2006) ISBN 8-29254-204-3 Online Luftwaffe SIG Homepage: Contributors to the Luftwaffe Experten Message Board: and Thanks to Jan Horn who contacted me after this piece appeared and whose own work on reconnaissance Ar 234s, »Die Augen des OKW« is in progress. Huib Ottens for additional information about the aircraft found at Stavanger. |
PART FOUR AND FINAL (All times are GMT) Article © Nick Beale 2012 |