UPDATES This year's additions and corrections to the site are listed opposite, with the most recent at the top. I'm not working to any schedule: this isn't a job, I'm doing it for fun. |
Today, believe it or not, it's 20 years since this site went live. Complete works: addition of two pieces I contributed to Axis Wings Volume 2 (Chandos Publications, 2024) III./EJG 2: Gone but not disbanded, April 1945, a 4,000-word spin-off from research I did in support my piece Panthers Taking Pictures which appears in in Axis Wings Volume 2. 1./NAGr. 6: information about the Staffel's relocation to Hohn, referred to in Panthers Taking Pictures. Sonderstaffel Einhorn: several additional bits of information following on from my Axis Wings articles. Sonderstaffel Kaatsch: additions regarding the events of 24 and 25 August, 3 and 5 September and 1 Oct.ober 1944. Nachtschlachtgruppe 8: addition about operations during February, March and April 1945. Kommando Olga and Agent Cornelius: Ob. West's guidelines of 24 November 1944 for the unit's future operations. Unternehmen Zeisig: 23 January 1945: an assessment by the Luftwaffe Operations Staff of LG 1's performance in this operation. LLG 1 and Kommando Schäfer: added item from the diary of Armeegruppe G. The Ar 234 in Norway and Denmark: damage inflicted when Kaltenkirchen was bombed on 7 April 1945; revised paragraph about the disbandment of 1.(F)/5. Gefechtsverband Kommando der Erprobungsstellen: Werk Nummern of six Ar 234s proposed for service with the Gefechtsverband. Geschwader Bongart: additions about German attacks on Lamastre on 5, 6 and 16 July and 20 August 1944 (thanks again to Philippe Canonne); losses from the Quartermaster General's statistics for June–September 1944. Markings and camouflage: a Naval message about the markings of the Bloch 151 and 152 in German service. Twenty years in, and I'm still finding typing and layout issues to correct.
New article: Nachtschlachtgruppe 8 on the Oder Front, 1945. The Luftwaffe and St.-Exupéry: several additions including new evidence from the Bletchley Park Archive about German air activity on 31 July 1944 and a summary of Guy Julien's counter-arguments to my interpretation of the day's events. Markings and Camouflage: a report about Hakenkreuze being mistaken for white rings and a Göring order about an "imminent large-scale operation of the fighter arm" in November 1944. I./JG 2 in Italy: addtions regarding 10-day strength returns, loss and damage, events in the calendar of operations. Sonderstaffel Kaatsch: strength figures for 1, 10, 20 and 30 September and 10 October 1944. Kommando Kunkel: some new strength figures for February, March and April 1944. NSG 9: additional order of battle data for February–April 1944 Geschwader Bongart: information about the Luftwaffe's stocks of the Re. 2002, a new entry for 4 June and corrections regarding operations on 27 June (thanks to Laurent Battut), 30 and 31 July 1944. Jagdgruppe 200: small biographical addition about Ltn. Kurt Bell. Air Raid Damage: a note on the cover designation Airfield 1463 and more about Erprobungskommando 152's strength. Sonderstaffel Einhorn: additional sources.
Background and sources for my c. 25,000-word history Sonderstaffel Einhorn and III./KG 200: from Self-sacrifice to Surrender in Axis Wings Volume 1 (Chandos Publications, 2024). Raid damage reports: the destruction of 14 Focke-Wulf Ta 152's at Cottbus-Neuhausen on 16 January 1945 plus information about the Gefechtsverband Kommando der Erprobungsstellen. Geschwader Bongart: a detailed report of operations round Limoges on 16 June 1944 (with thanks to Georg Schlaug). Kommando Koch: specifications of the Karl I and II jamming transmitters. Listening and Jamming: specifications of the Kettenhund, Nervtöter and Starnberg jamming transmitters. 1.(F)100: some addtions about flights and movements in late April/early May 1945 and to the order of battle at Appendix 3. Nachtjagdstaffel Norwegen:figures for monthly allocations of night fighters. SG 4 in Italy: note about the fate of Horst Wegener of 7./JG 53. Minor corrections to typing, links and layouts. |