This year's additions and corrections to the site are listed opposite, with the most recent at the top.

I'm not working to any schedule: this isn't a job, I'm doing it for fun.


29 November 2024

Today, believe it or not, it's 20 years since this site went live.

Complete works: addition of two pieces I contributed to Axis Wings Volume 2 (Chandos Publications, 2024)

III./EJG 2: Gone but not disbanded, April 1945, a 4,000-word spin-off from research I did in support my piece Panthers Taking Pictures which appears in in Axis Wings Volume 2.

1./NAGr. 6: information about the Staffel's relocation to Hohn, referred to in Panthers Taking Pictures.

Sonderstaffel Einhorn: several additional bits of information following on from my Axis Wings articles.

Sonderstaffel Kaatsch: additions regarding the events of 24 and 25 August, 3 and 5 September and 1 Oct.ober 1944.

Nachtschlachtgruppe 8: addition about operations during February, March and April 1945.

Kommando Olga and Agent Cornelius: Ob. West's guidelines of 24 November 1944 for the unit's future operations.

Unternehmen Zeisig: 23 January 1945: an assessment by the Luftwaffe Operations Staff of LG 1's performance in this operation.

LLG 1 and Kommando Schäfer: added item from the diary of Armeegruppe G.

The Ar 234 in Norway and Denmark: damage inflicted when Kaltenkirchen was bombed on 7 April 1945; revised paragraph about the disbandment of 1.(F)/5.

Gefechtsverband Kommando der Erprobungsstellen: Werk Nummern of six Ar 234s proposed for service with the Gefechtsverband.

Geschwader Bongart: additions about German attacks on Lamastre on 5, 6 and 16 July and 20 August 1944 (thanks again to Philippe Canonne); losses from the Quartermaster General's statistics for June–September 1944.

Markings and camouflage: a Naval message about the markings of the Bloch 151 and 152 in German service.

Twenty years in, and I'm still finding typing and layout issues to correct.

15 August 2024

New article: Nachtschlachtgruppe 8 on the Oder Front, 1945.

The Luftwaffe and St.-Exupéry: several additions including new evidence from the Bletchley Park Archive about German air activity on 31 July 1944 and a summary of Guy Julien's counter-arguments to my interpretation of the day's events.

Markings and Camouflage: a report about Hakenkreuze being mistaken for white rings and a Göring order about an "imminent large-scale operation of the fighter arm" in November 1944.

I./JG 2 in Italy: addtions regarding 10-day strength returns, loss and damage, events in the calendar of operations.

Sonderstaffel Kaatsch: strength figures for 1, 10, 20 and 30 September and 10 October 1944.

Kommando Kunkel: some new strength figures for February, March and April 1944.

NSG 9: additional order of battle data for February–April 1944

Geschwader Bongart: information about the Luftwaffe's stocks of the Re. 2002, a new entry for 4 June and corrections regarding operations on 27 June (thanks to Laurent Battut), 30 and 31 July 1944.

Jagdgruppe 200: small biographical addition about Ltn. Kurt Bell.

Air Raid Damage: a note on the cover designation Airfield 1463 and more about Erprobungskommando 152's strength.

Sonderstaffel Einhorn: additional sources.

8 March 2024

Background and sources for my c. 25,000-word history Sonderstaffel Einhorn and III./KG 200: from Self-sacrifice to Surrender in Axis Wings Volume 1 (Chandos Publications, 2024).

Raid damage reports: the destruction of 14 Focke-Wulf Ta 152's at Cottbus-Neuhausen on 16 January 1945 plus information about the Gefechtsverband Kommando der Erprobungsstellen.

Geschwader Bongart: a detailed report of operations round Limoges on 16 June 1944 (with thanks to Georg Schlaug).

Kommando Koch: specifications of the Karl I and II jamming transmitters.

Listening and Jamming: specifications of the Kettenhund, Nervtöter and Starnberg jamming transmitters.

1.(F)100: some addtions about flights and movements in late April/early May 1945 and to the order of battle at Appendix 3.

Nachtjagdstaffel Norwegen:figures for monthly allocations of night fighters.

SG 4 in Italy: note about the fate of Horst Wegener of 7./JG 53.

Minor corrections to typing, links and layouts.


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