

Overrun Arados (Aviation News Vol. 17, No. 10, 30 September–13 October 1988)

On an Evil Journey … (Aviation News Vol. 18, No. 12, 27 October– 9 November 1989)

Special Publication No. 3, Seen and Heard — Some Contemporary Descriptions of Luftwaffe Paint Schemes (Luftwaffe Circle, Auburn Al.,
1 March 1992)

Special Publication No. 7, The Mythical Unicorn: A Brief History of Sonderverband Einhorn (Luftwaffe Circle, Auburn Al., 1 November 1994)

Aufklärungsstaffel Kaatsch (Luftwaffe Verband Journal No. 35, Cary NC,
July 2003)

Le Stuka dans la Décharge (Aéro-Journal No. 32, Agen-Boé, France, August/September 2003) ISSN 0336-1055

Comment Saint-Ex a péri : entre mythes et réalités (Aérojournal No. 4, Marseille, France, June/July 2008) ISSN 1962-2430

NSG 9 — der Kampf bei Nacht (Flugzeug Classic, München, November 2010)


Nick Beale, Ferdinando D’Amico and Gabriele Valentini: Air War Italy 1944–45, the Axis Air Forces from the Liberation of Rome to the Surrender (Airlife Publishing Ltd., Shrewsbury, May 1996) ISBN 1 85310 252 0

Nick Beale: Ghost Bombers, the Moonlight War of NSG 9: Luftwaffe Night Attack Operations from Anzio to the Alps (Classic Publications Ltd., Crowborough, November 2001) ISBN 1 903223 15 6

Nick Beale: Kampfflieger Volume Four, Bombers of the Luftwaffe, Summer 1943–May 1945 (Classic Publications, Hersham, July 2005) ISBN 1 903223 50 4

J. Richard Smith, Chris Goss, Martin Pegg, Andrew Arthy, Nick Beale and Robert Forsyth: Schlachtflieger: Luftwaffe Ground-Attack Units 1937–1945 (Midland Publishing, Hinckley, July 2007) ISBN-10: 1857802748 and ISBN-13: 978-1857802740

Robert Forsyth and Nick Beale: Combat Aircraft 134: Arado Ar 234 Bomber and Reconnaissance Units (Osprey, Oxford, September 2020) ISBN 978-1472844392

Nick Beale: Sonderstaffel Einhorn and III./KG 200: from Self-sacrifice to Surrender in the compendium Axis Wings Volume 1 (Chandos Publications, March 2024) ISBN 9781999316556

A note on the background to this 24,000-word (34-page) history, some new information and a full list of sources can be found here.

Nick Beale: Panthers Taking Pictures, Me 262 Reconnaissance Operations, 1944–45 and Sonderstaffel Einhorn and III./KG 200: from Self-sacrifice to Surrender – Addenda in Axis Wings Volume 2 (Chandos Publications, October 2024) ISBN 9781999316570

Co-author (with Eddie J. Creek and J. Richard Smith) of an appendix The Camouflage and Markings of JV 44 in Robert Forsyth: JV 44–The Galland Circus (Classic Publications Ltd., Burgess Hill, 1996) ISBN 0 9526867 0 8

A pall of brown smoke was all that remained, chapter 18 of J. Richard Smith and Eddie J. Creek: Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Volume Two, 1943–1944 (Classic Publications, Hersham, 2012) ISBN 9781906537302

Catastrophic state of affairs, burning aircraft etc., chapter 25 of J. Richard Smith & Eddie J. Creek: Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Volume Three, 1944–1945 (Classic Publications, Hersham, 2013) ISBN 9781906537319

Preface to Lovro Persšen: Hunting Tito: A History of Nachtschlachtgruppe 7 in World War II (Schiffer, Atglen, 2014) ISBN 978-0-7643-4632-3

4./FAGr. 5, chapter 12 of Robert Forsyth: Shadow over the Atlantic (Osprey, Oxford, 2017) ISBN 978 1 4728 2045 7

Air War Italy 1944–45 in translation

Luftwaffe we Wloszech 1944 (Wydawnictwo Militaria, Warsaw, 1998) ISBN 83-7219-014-3

Luftwaffe we Wloszech 1945 (Wydawnictwo Militaria, Warsaw, 1998) ISBN 83-7219-022-4

The book was translated into Polish as a two-volume softback in A4 format, with some extra aircraft colour profiles which neither my co-authors nor I had any part in nor knew about. Also, not all of the airfield plans from the original were used.

Az olaszországi légi háború: a tengelyhatalmi légierők története Róma felszabadításától a fegyverletételig (Hajja & Fiai, Debrecen, 2001) ISBN 963 9329 16 9

In 2004, Ferdinando D'Amico discovered on the Internet that there had also been a Hungarian translation published three years previously. This was a complete surprise to the three of us. Airlife Publishing had gone into liquidation by this time and so we were unable find out how this edition had come about without our knowledge. In 2005, Csaba Becze (for whose help we were very grateful) arranged for us to receive copies. This book is a laminated hardback and appears to contain everrything that was in the original apart from the aircraft colour profiles.

Aeromaster produced three sheets of 1/48 scale decals based on Gabriele Valentini's colour profiles from Air War Italy 1944–45. "Air War Over Italy Part I" featured two Luftwaffe and two ANR Bf 109s; "Part II", three ANR Bf 109s and a Croatian one; "Part III" covered three Ju 188s and an Ar 234.


Theo Boiten: Nachtjad Combat Archive series (Red Kite, 2018–2024). Translation of German personal accounts, reports and other documents totalling just over 75,000 words.

Music criticism

Reviews of recorded and live music for fRoots, monthly roots music magazine, from May 1985–January 2010.










These are the things I've written and co-written aside from the material on this website.

I lost track long ago of the number of music reviews I did—getting on for a thousand, I'd guess.

Nick Beale











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