2013's additions and corrections to this site are listed opposite, with the most recent at the top.



More about JG 27 and II./JG 53 at Angers in June 1944 (with thanks to Pierre Babin for contributions from his own researches).

More about US Navy pilots' claims over France on 19 and 21 August 1944 (with thanks to Ronnie Olsthoom).

Additions to the Geschwader Bongart article about events on 21 and 24 July 1944 and about II./KG 26 operations against the Resistance.

An addition to my "complete works" page.

Corrections to typos, layout and links.



A new article about aircraft lost in air raids: by III./JG 26 (Nancy, 25 May 1944); JG 27 (Angers/Soucelles, 26 June 1944); and E-Stelle Karlshagen (9 July 1944).

Jagdgruppe 200: an addition to the events of 12 July 1944 and more about Bf 109 G-6 W.Nr. 163552.

More about the Bf 109s of 3./NAG 13 (W.Nr. 710000 series) in Spring/Summer 1944.

Staffel Kaatsch: more about the history of Bf 109 G-6 W.Nr. 163161.

Geschwader Bongart: two "target flights" on 27 January 1944; a "new" Re. 2002 mission on 24 June; more about Ju 88 C-6 W.Nr. 750886 and 750952, He 111 W.Nr. 5113, Bf 109 G-5 W.Nr. 110395 and "Bf 109 G-12" WNr. 360390 (thanks to Ed North); an operation on 16 August (thanks to Philippe Canonne); another loss from 2./ZG 1 on 7 June 1944; more about III./KG 100's attack on the Forêt de Rieumes on 17 July; and a final(?) mention of the Geschwader on 15 December 1944.

Minor corrections and editing.



Jagdgruppe 200: addition to 18 August 1944.

Staffel Kaatsch: complete revision of the unit's formative days (18–25 August 1944) plus an expanded discussion of its aircraft inventory.

Geschwader Bongart: extensive additions throughout the article about attacks on further locations by the unit itself and by II./KG 26 and III./KG 100; more about Wekusta 2 and more Bongart aircraft identified.



The third instalment of the Geschwader Bongart article, covering August–September 1944, plus an assessment of the unit's operations, a list of known aircraft, and sources and acknowledgements. I've also made various smaller additions to the earlier instalments.

NAG 6 and the Me 262: information about the posting of 37 men from NAG 9 to Einsatzkommando Braunegg in Lechfeld.

Jagdruppe 200: two new pages about Uffz. Walter Lang; more detail of sorties flown on 9 June 1944; more about Uffz. Walter Cöster's demise on 7 August 1944; brief additions covering anti-partisan operations on 15 June and 5 July 1944.

Addition to the Geschwader recognition bands article of an ULTRA message on security during a move by elements of JG 3.

Staffel Kaatsch: Werk Nummer added for an aircraft damaged on a mission on 29 August 1944 and amendments to one appendix.

Various minor corrections and layout changes.



The second instalment of the Geschwader Bongart article, covering July 1944, plus a map of bases and operations. Also, a link from the section about 22 June 1944 to a French website's animated map of operations on the Vercors Plateau.

SG 4: last battles in Italy: an additional map and consequential rearrangement of two pages.

Minor corrections.



The first instalment of an article about Geschwader Bongart and its war against the French Resistance, March–September 1944.

II./NJG 6 in Italy: photograph of Fw. Bunje and his crew (thanks to Theo Boiten).

A small addition to the Kampfflieger page on anti-guerilla operations in France.

A small addition to the Staffel Kaatsch article about plans to return 2./NAG 13 to action and more about the death of Obltn. Theodor Spiess.

A correction to a loss report on an Fw 190 A-6 of III./SG 4 and information about the machine's actual fate; also, a note about a Ju 52 which carried supplies for the Gruppe.

NAG 6 and the Me 262: a small addition re Obltn. Kopf's detachment from 5.(F)/123.

A revision to the account of Jagdgruppe 200's action on 14 July and a small addition regarding the unit's bomb damage losses on 24 July 1944.

KG 100, missing "next page" links inserted.

The usual minor corrections.



A new article on trial He 111 torpedo operations in the summer of 1940.

More about Hptm. Georg Seckel of Jagdgruppe 200 and a listing of seven more Bf 109s belonging to the Gruppe.

New information about Bf 109 G-6 W.Nr. 15862 of Staffel Kaatsch and 5.(F)/123; more about the later careers of some of the Staffel's pilots; more about the service careers of Bf 109 W.Nr. 15862 and 412169.

Some small addtions to the article on NAG 6 and the Me 262, including the reason why W.Nr. 111570 crashed.

More about Bf 109s W.Nr. 161369, 710023 and 710091 of 3./NAG 13.

A little more about Obltn. Kopf of Kommando Braunegg.

A couple of additional graphics on the Using Ultra pages.



Several additions to the Markings and Camouflage pages including Jagdgeschwader recognition markings, Mediterranean theatre markings and miscellaneous markings (e.g. captured aircraft).

Information on the later service of Uffz. Kuhlmann of Staffel Kaatsch and a little more about the Staffel's Bf 109 G-6 W.Nr. 412169.

Added information on operations by Jagdgruppe 200 on 1 July 1944 and about belated measures to formalise the unit's establishment. Also a link to a photograph of wreckage from a 3./JGr. 200 aircraft lost on 12 August 1944.

More on 1.(F)/100's tasks for 7 April 1945.

A note on Ultra Air Digests.

Minor text and layout corrections.



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