

2004's additions and corrections to this site are listed opposite, with the most recent at the top.


New page added to "Rieti" article, about a German fighter pilot shot down over Italy on 7 April 1944.



Various minor alterations, fixed links and corrections.


New page added to NSG 9: Appendices in memory of veterans Horst Greßler, Alfons Eck and Harry Fischer.



New article added: Riieti, April 1944: Kittyhawk versus Fw 190.


Navigation link fixed in Dragoon: Appendix Three.


Images of five book covers added to Complete Works page.

NSG 9: Appendices link now live.



One ULTRA signal added to Markings and camouflage.


Link added from Dragoon: D+4 to Michaël Svejgaard's page on Château La Nerthe (thanks to Michaël).



Correction of reference in Dragoon: Before D-Day from "87th FG" to 522nd and 525th FS of the 27th FG (thanks to Carlos Herrera).


Addition to the account of JGr. 200's combat on 14 August 1944, Dragoon: Before D-Day (information courtesy of Carlos Herrera).


NSG 9: Chapter 3 link now live.


NSG 9: Chapter 4 link now live.


New page added to NSG 9: Chapter 5.


Site activated.


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