Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Freiburg, Germany General Quartiermeister 6. Abt. loss records, 1942–1943 RL 2-V/209: Brandt, Leo: Deutsche Gegenmaßnahmen gegen feindliche Funk-Navigation 1942-1945 RL 7-3/577: Einsatz der Luftwaffe beim Kanaldurchbruch von Schlachtschiffen der Marine (Unternehmen "Donnerkeil").- Vorbereitende Maßnahmen (Jan–Feb 1942) RL 8/10: II. Fliegerkorps, Einsatz- und Sicherungsbefehle sowie Lageberichte (1942) The National Archives, Kew, London AIR 14/2969: RDF Board – enemy jamming in Malta (November 1942–April 1943) AIR 15/93: Enemy interference with ASV AIR 20/8534: Interrogation of German POWs: reports from CSDIC (Air) Central Mediterranean Forces (1945) AIR 23/1221–1224: Technical reports to Air Ministry (A.I.2(G)) (June–December 1942) AIR 23/1260: Naval Radar Jammers Etc. AIR 23/1788: AAHQ W. Desert Intelligence Summaries (7 July–20 November 1942) AIR 23/6208: Operational Research Section – reports RAF M.E. (1942–1943) AIR 23/6209: Operational Research Section – reports RAF M.E. (1941–1944) AIR 23/6774: RAF Middle East, Weekly Intelligence Summaries, Vol. 8 (July–December 1942) AIR 23/7370: Enemy counter measures to R.D.F. (1942–1944) AIR 23/7371: Enemy counter measures to R.D.F. (1942–1943) AIR 23/7533: Enemy jamming of H.F. and V.H.F: radio counter measures (1942) AIR 23/7534: Enemy jamming of H.F. and V.H.F: radio counter measures (1942–44) AIR 26/6931: 250 Wing – Signals: V.H.F. anti-jamming measures (1942) AIR 27/401: No. 38 Squadron Operations Record Book (August 1942) AIR 27/407: No. 39 Squadron, Operations Record Book (September–November 1942) AIR 27/460: No. 46 Squadron, Operations Record Book (August–September 1942) AIR 27/607: No. 69 Squadron, Operations Record Book (September–November 1942) AIR 27/611: No. 69 Squadron, Operations Record Book Appendices (1 January–30 November 1942) AIR 27/729: No. 89 Squadron, Operations Record Book (July–September 1942) AIR 27/1065: No. 160 Squadron Operations Record Book (June–November 1942) AIR 27/1067: No. 160 Squadron Operations Record Book, Appendices (1 September 1942–30 June 1945) AIR 27/1069: No. 162 Squadron, Operations Record Book (August–September 1942) AIR 27/1368: No. 221 Squadron, Operations Record Book (July–November 1942) AIR 27/1496: No. 248 Squadron (July–August 1942) AIR 29/638: ORB 10 OTU (Apr 1940–Dec 1943) AIR 40/1402: German air-borne attack on Crete (November 1941) AIR 40/1863: German PW Interrogation Reports Malta (19.12.41 onwards) AIR 40/1867: A.H.Q. Malta (Air Intelligence), Naval interrogations: prisoners of war reports (July 1941–Dec. 1943) AIR 40/1996: Sicily, reports on airfields and aircraft (January 1941–March 1944) AIR 40/2345: Y-Service (Radio Intelligence) reports: Middle East (1942) AIR 40/2346: Y-Service (Radio Intelligence) reports: Middle East (1942) AIR 40/2347: Y-Service (Radio Intelligence) reports: Middle East (1942–43) AIR 40/2353: RAF signal intelligence reports on German Air Force activities (1942–45) AIR 40/2411: Interrogation of German and Italian Prisoners of War, Nos. 256–405, Vol. 16 (September–December 1942) AIR 40/2416: Interrogation of German and Italian Prisoners of War, Nos. 1-152A, Vol. 21 (January–March 1943) AIR 40/2417: Interrogation of German and Italian Prisoners of War, Nos. 153-322, Vol. 22 (April–June 1943) AIR 40/2423: Interrogation of German and Italian Prisoners of War, Nos. 343–381, Vol. 28 (July–August 1945) AIR 40//2430: Fighter Command: PoW interrogation reports and correspondence (1942–1943) AIR 40/2671: Enemy aircrew prisoners of war reports … from Royal Air Force, Royal Air Force Section Government Code and Cypher School and Middle East Forces (17 Apr–22 Dec 1942) AIR 40/2859: Air Ministry, Various Technical Reports (1) AIR 40/3077: CSDIC (UK) reports SRA 3100-3499 (incomplete), information obtained from German Air Force POWs (29 Sep 1942–6 Jan 1943) AIR 40/3117: CSDIC, Allied Force Headquarters: reports AFHQ/A 2–296 – information obtained from Axis POWs (1 Jan–31 Dec 1943) AVIA 7/1521: Homing on enemy jamming transmissions (1941–1944) AVIA 7/1603: T.F.U. Monthly Progress Meetings AVIA 7/2511: R.C.M. Homing Policy (1942–45) AVIA15/1248: V.H.F. Air-to-Air homing Equipment: Development and Trials (1941–42) AVIA 15/1642: Anti-jamming measures for airborne R.D.F. (1942–1943) AVIA 15/3537: Radio Jamming Device – Cleary Clement – Technical Papers (1941) AVIA 26/235: Enemy jamming of RDF systems (February–July 1942) AVIA 26/255: Airborne jamming (1942) continued on next page … |
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