UK National Archives
AIR 16/505
ADGB: fortnightly review of German Air Force Activities on Western Front, 1–26 May 1944
AIR 16/506
ADGB: fortnightly review of German Air Force Activities on Western Front, 16 May–1 June 1944
AIR 16/507
ADGB: fortnightly review of German Air Force Activities on Western Front, 1–16 June 1944
AIR 22/500
Air Ministry W/T Intelligence Service Daily Summaries: Nos. 1549–1700 Vol. 25 (1 December 1943–30 April 1944)
AIR 22/501
Air Ministry W/T Intelligence Service Daily Summaries: Nos. 1701–1825 (1781 & 1812 missing) (May–August 1944)
AIR 40/45
Crashed enemy aircraft reports: Nos. 154–270 (incomplete)
AIR 40/1175
German photo reconnaissance and interpretation organisation and equipment (June 1941–May 1944)
AIR 40/1887
2nd. T.A.F. Air Prisoners of War Interrogation Unit reports nos. 1–37/44 (August–November 1944)
AIR 40/2418
324-498A Vol. 23
AIR 40/2858
A.I.2(g): Crashed enemy aircraft reports Nos. 236–269, 4/5/44–12/5/45
AIR 40/3095
CSDIC (UK) reports SRA 5200–5299: information obtained from German Air Force POWs
AIR 40/3097
CSDIC (UK) reports SRA 5400–5499: information obtained from German Air Force POWs
DEFE 3/431
Intelligence from intercepted German, Italian and Japanese radio communications, WWII (ZTPG 255000–255999) (20–23 June 1944)
HW 5/471 – HW 5/494
German section: reports of German army and air force high grade machine decrypts, 22 April–8 June 1944
HW 13/6
Analyses of German Forces' appreciations of Allied intentions for Second Front (9 May 1944–23 August 1944)
HW 13/25
GAF recce and bombing operations 19 March 1944–28 March 1945
HW 13/39
GNA Vol. XIII, 1 April 1944–31 July 1944
HW 18/102
German Naval Air Reports (1 January–8 October 1943)
HW 18/103
German Naval Air Reports (27 October 1943–1 May 1944)
HW 18/104
German Naval Air Reports (1 May–30 November 1944)
HW 20/388
Signals containing information about GAF anti-invasion reconnaissance, issued by Hut 3, 23 May 1944–8 March 1945
HW 20/389
Reports of a political or politico-military nature, from diplomatic, commercial or military attaché sources, in the BAY/VL, /KV, /XL and /HP series (30 March–20 December 1944)
Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Freiburg-im-Breisgau
PERS 6/233
Koller, Karl
PERS 6/161920
Dahlmann, Kurt
RH 2/61
Fremde Heere West, Feindlage sowie Verteilung der Feindkräfte West (Ende Apr.–25. Sept. 1944)
RH 19-IV/131
Ob. West, Tätigkeitsbericht, Anlagen Nr. 1-97 (Jan.–März 1944)
RL 2-II/6
Gen. Stab / Lw. Führungsstab, Anlagen zum KTB, Band 1 (Feb.–Sept.1944)
RL 2-II/975
OKM, Abteilung Funkaufklärung.- Lage- und Aufklärungsmeldungen alle Fronten, Band 2 (1.–9. Juni 1944)
RL 2-II/146
OKM, 3. Skl.- Lagemeldungen (v.a. Seelage) (Dez. 1943–Jan. 1945)
RL 2-III/844
Materialverluste.- Flugzeuge.- Einsatz alle Fronten.- Listen, Bd. 2, Nahaufklärer, Nr. 1–102 (1941–1945)
RL 2-III/845
Materialverluste.- Flugzeuge.- Einsatz alle Fronten.- Listen, Bd. 3, Fernaufklärer, Nr. 1–124 (1941–1945)
RL 8/21
II. Fliegerkorps: Merkblätter zu Einsatzgrundsätzen der Luftwaffe (1944)
Online Sources
12 O’Clock High! Forum: http://forum.12oclockhigh.net/showthread.php?t=36509&highlight=183
Bletchley Park Roll of Honour: http://rollofhonour.bletchleypark.org.uk/
British Admiralty War Diaries at Fold3.com: http://www.fold3.com
Canadian Department of National Defence, Directorate of History and Heritage, Kardex system, Reel T-3976: Diary of 1./Seekriegsleitung for February 1944.
Kriegstagebücher der 1./Seekriegsleitung: https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-zmsbw/solrsearch/index/search/start/0/rows/10/sortfield/score/sortorder/desc/searchtype/simple/query/Kriegstagebuch+Seekriegsleitung
Michael Holm: The Luftwaffe 1933–45:
Admiral Theodor Krancke: Historischer Bericht über die Invasionsabwehrmaßnahmen des Marine-Gruppenkommandos West (7 July 1947): https://www.fold3.com/image/1/153649690
Missing Air Crew Reports 5207 and 5208: http://www.fold3.com
Neil Page: Pilot Training in the Luftwaffe: http://falkeeins.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/pilot-training-in-luftwaffe-flight.html
Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V., Gräbersuche online: http://www.volksbund.de/graebersuche.html
Published Sources
John Buckley (ed.): The Normandy Campaign 1944: Sixty Years On (Routledge, 2006) ISBN 978-0415369312
Nick Beale: Kampfflieger, Volume Four: Bombers of the Luftwaffe: Summer 1943–May 1945 (Classic Publications, 2005) ISBN 1 903223 50 4
Christian-Jacques Ehrengardt (ed.): Hors-Série No. 1, Messerschmitt Bf 109 G & K (Aerojournal, 2008)
Max Hastings: Overlord, D-Day and the Battle for Normandy, 1944 (Pan Books, 1993) ISBN 978-0-330-39012-5
Thomas H Hitchcock: Close-Up 6: Gustav, Messerschmitt Bf 109 G (Part 1) (Monogram, 1976) ISBN 0 914144 06 5
Robert J. Kershaw: D-Day, Piercing the Atlantic Wall (Ian Allan, 1993) ISBN 0 7110 2176 7
Ron Mackay: The Last Blitz: Operation Steinbock, the Luftwaffe's Last Blitz on Britain - January to May 1944 (Red Kite, 2011) ISBN 978-0955473586
Alfred Price: World War II Fighter Conflict (Macdonald and Jane’s, 1975) ISBN 0 356 08129 X
Cornelius Ryan: The Longest Day (Simon & Schuster, 1959)
Christopher Shores and Chris Thomas: 2nd Tactical Air Force Volume One, Spartan to Normandy June 1943 to June 1944 (Classic Publications, 2004) ISBN 9781903223406
Thanks for his help to …
Chris Goss
