continued …
CX/MSS/R. 182 (C)4
Memo addressed to Chief QM/QM 1 by an unspecified Technical Officer, dated 11/5:
Subject: Giving up of Bf 109 G-6, W.Nr. 160869. We report that this a/c was given up on 8/5 to GAF Station DINARD for repairs on account of 55 per cent crash damage. A/c formerly held by Stab NAG 13.
1) 11/XII DINARD not reported by source since 1941.
2) Source is almost certain that the above was from (F) 123 to Luftflotte 3.
Source saw two communications dated 11/5 couched in identical terms, signed IIB No. 3958 and referring to a communications of Luftflotte 3 Adjutant IIB 3 No. 2594 dated 15/5 and a communication of German Air Ministry, Wehramt (Roman) II/VI dated 22/4, subject “Withdrawal of Candidates Pilots”, ordering Uffz. KARL HEINZ SANDER and Obgefr. SANDMAYR respectively, latter of 2 NAG 13, to report by 20/5 to Pilot School 3, JUBEN, for training. In view of the training programme of Air Officer for Flying training, no delay could be permitted.
Addressed IIB dated 3/5:
Subject: Linguists. The Gruppe reports the following linguists:
Obgfr. WALTER BARKATTA, Italian (colloquial) M/T driver Stab NAG 13.
Ltn. GEORG PEMLER, Rumanian (colloquial) Flivo First/NAG 13.
Uffz. EDGAR THIEME, Portuguese (18 years residence in BRAZIL) pilot First/NAG 13.
Uffz. (smudge) BISCASET, French (Alsatian) A/c mechanic First/NAG 13.
Flieger PAUL BLATZ, French (Alsatian) A/c engine mechanic First/NAG 13.
None of the men have passed any examinations.
Report for Second and Third/NAG 13 will follow when we have it.
1) Source believes above was sent from NAG 13 to (F) 123.
2) This is evidently in answer to CX/MSS/R. 174 (C) 31.
KV 3672
Four documents addressed to Technical Officer on 12/5
Subject: a/c accident
3./NAG 13 (1)
3./NAG 13 (1) practice flight at St Poix (+) 30 km SW of Laval. Engine burnt out, a/c utterly destroyed through crashing in flames. Bf 109 G-8 W.Nr. 710051, yellow 15. Pilot Uffz. Werner Eckert baled out.
Subject: a/c accident
1./NAG 13 (1)
Operational flight 20 km NW of Lessay. Force-landed on a heath, oil pipe broken. Technical defect - airscrew, undercarriage, fuselage, starboard wing. Bf 109 G-8 W.Nr. 20679, white 7. Pilot Ltn. Schwantje uninjured. Salvage Detachment Cherbourg. Thence to be forwarded to Workshop Couges(+). Bf 109 G-6 W.Nr. 161117/10% handed over to Workshop Couges.
Subject: a/c accident
1./NAG 13 (1)
Blind flying over Alderney Island, engine damage (engine burnt out). Report follows. A/c damaged 100% through crashing in flames. Bf 109 G-5 W.Nr. 110017, white 5, specially fitted with GM-1 and auxiliary tank(s). Pilot: Ltn. Schwantje baled out uninjured.
Subject: a/c missing
Report of 1./NAG 13. Bf 109 G-5 on operational flight. W.Nr. 110076, white 11, VP+RE, pilot Obfähnr. Kohlweg, Gerhard, missing.
(1) (+) As written. Location unknown.
[NOTE: could be workshop at Conches]
(2) Compare T182/24 in which it was indicated that 3./NAG 13 was not yet operating.
Ref: CX/MSS/T182/116
KV 3672 is being passed with T.O.O 130814Z/5/44 to SH/EF/TA
Some losses of firstly 1 NAG 13: at 0715 hours on 9th 1 Me 109 G-8 force landed after operational flight. At 0745 hours on 12th 1 Me 109 G-5 blind flying over Alderney Island crashed. On 12th 1 Me 109 G-5 missing from operational flight.
Secondly 3 NAG 13: at 0415 hours on 12th 1 Me 109 G-8 crashed on practice flight. Comment compare KV 3601 indicating 3 NAG 13 not yet operating.
CX/MSS/R. 199 (C)
Addressed to TO, dated 29/5:-
A/c accident, 0812/20/5, 1./NAG 13, training flight, DINARD a/f.
Servicing fault, (large smudge) fuselage bucking, broken undercarriage, propeller, port wing. Bf 109 G-6, W.Nr. 16(B%0)64, white 5. 45%. Pilot Uffz. RIES, HEINZ, uninjured.
A/c given up on 29/5 to GAF Station DINARD.
Report addressed to Technical Officer, dated 25/5:-
A/c accident, 3./NAG 13, 15445/24/5
3./NAG 13, training flight, 10 km east of Villiers Charlemagne near Laval. Engine on fire. a/c completely destroyed after crashing in flames. Bf 109 G-8, W.Nr. 710061, yellow 1, Fahnenjunker Feldw. Krueger (small smudge) injured his leg while baling out. Slightly injured. Special apparatus installed, MW 50.
CX/MSS/R. 199 (C)
Subject: Loss of Bf 109 G -8, W.Nr. 710061.
We report that this a/c crashed on 24/5, owing to the engine catching fire. It burst into flames on hitting the ground, and was completely destroyed.
Former unit: 3./NAG 13.