19 June 1944


On 19/6 GIGAO ((GAF Station Command)) 22/XI, a/f Celle, Technical Administration, indented to GELIP ((Luftgau)) II QM Hamburg for thinning the dark paint of night camouflage on Do 17, Ju 88, He 111 and W. 34 of 12. Fliegerzielgeschwader 1.

15 July 1944


Communication No. 63 addressed to Detachment 4 Mine Detecting Staffel Uffz. (B% Solle) Maritsa-Rhodes are to be given following recognition marking:

Black (C% red) (smudge) spiral on the spinner, undersides of engines yellow.

This to be carried out in the period 15/7 to 20/7. Report completion by 20/7 to the Staffel.

20 July 1944

CX/MSS/R254(C),101 (CX/MSS/ZTPGU/28446)

Document dated 20/7, signed Captain (U/B) Norway:

Northern Waters instructions No. 28, own aircraft: …

3) New identification paint for our own aircraft with effect from 20/7/44:

A) Fighters, ground attack aircraft, heavy fighters and reconnaissance aircraft: black and white spirals (B% round) propeller nose.

B) All other aircraft employed, also sea rescue aircraft: no special markings.

C) Booty aircraft not employed on operations: outer third of lower side of wing yellow.

D) All civil aircraft: entire lower side and horizontal tail surfaces and rudder unit yellow.

4) The employment of booty aircraft and the misuse of German markings by the enemy must always be reckoned with.

25–26 July 1944


From GEKEM ((Jagdkorps)) II, POFOP ((IA Ops.)) No. 3029, dated 25/7:

Transfer of a captured a/c.

1) American a/c, type Harvard IIB will be flown over to Oranienburg from Rosières on 9/8 by Stabsingenieur Beseler with the consent of OKL.


a) Route Rosières – Venlo – Münster, where an immediate landing will be made – Oranienburg.

b) Up at first light 9/8.

c) Flying height 200 metres.

d) Marking: bright yellow strips and German national badge.

3) If a change in the time of take-off and route becomes necessary through enemy action or the weather, formations will be informed with a reference to this order.

4) Inform subordinate units.


Signed JG 3 on 26/7:

Subject: ferrying of a captured a/c.

1) An American captured a/c, type Harvard (Roman) IIB, will be ferried with the authorisation of OKL from Rosières to Oranienburg on 9/8 by Stabs Ing. Weseler.


a) Flying route: Rosières – Venlo – Münster (intermediate landing there) – Oranienburg.

b) Take off: at dawn on 9/8.

c) Flying height: 200 metres.

d) Marking: (word illegible) yellow paint and nationality markings.

3) In case the enemy or weather situation makes deviations form the intended take-off time and flying route necessary, units who received this order will be informed.

4) Inform subordinate units.

NOTES: Compare R23(B),12 for information being sent to Oranienburg on 3/12 about a captured Lightning.

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