23 April 1944


Notes on Previous CX/MSS/R Reports: (iii) Ref. MSS/T165/23

(Recognition colouring of a/c)

Source has now seen beginning of this communication, which is addressed to Fliegerführer Croatia:

Ref: Fliegerführer Croatia, No. 708/44 of 3/4/44.

In accordance with C-in-C, GAF Ops Staff, Op. 2, No. 13485/41 of 4/12. German and Italian a/c operating in the Mediterranean area will receive the following recognition paint:

(1) etc …)).

CX/MSS/T165/23 (sent to commands as KV 1979)

Part of communication of 23/4 from GAF Command South-East:

… (Beginning missing) … the following recognition colouring for German and Italian a/c operating in the Mediterranean area:

1) The under parts of the engine cowlings will be painted a bright yellow;

2) Round the fuselage there will be a (word illegible) white ring about 50 cm. wide behind the cross.

Captured a/c are to be painted a bright yellow in accordance with No. 3800 of 15/10/42 from OKL, Ops Staff IA (++). According to inquiries made of OKL both orders are still valid.

Italian a/c are to be distinguished in accordance with order No. 13485(+).

OKL has been requested to make an alteration but an answer has not yet been received.


1) (+) Not seen by source.

2) (++) No. 3800 not seen by source but frequently referred to in documents dealing mostly with flying regulations.

24 April 1944

REF. 779

Ref. CX/MSS/T165/23 sent 1750/24/4

(Recognition colouring for German and Italian a/c)

Please add further notes:

Note 3: Marking of German a/c in Mediterranean is identical with that laid down in December 1941 in MSS/523/T6.

Note 4: Markings of captured Italian a/c were given in greater detail in November 1943 in MSS/3482/T19. The yellow paint referred to in the present document was there specified to be on the wing tips.

KV 2089

Comment to KV 1979: known that orders were (a) for the continuation of existing regulations; (b) identical regulations existed in the Mediterranean in December 1941; (c) in November 1943 captured Italian aircraft were to be used only with cross on wings and fuselage, white ring around fuselage, yellow paint on wing tips 1.5 metres in width.

3 June 1944


KV 6434

From Schere ((1. S-Boot Div.)) to Speer ((S.O. 1. S-Boot Div.)) dated 3/6.

Admiral Adriatic, Op. reports in No. 5211, (smudge) of 31/5:

Fliegerführer Croatia has ordered removal from all a/c operating in his sphere of command, of the white ring round the fuselage and the bright yellow paint on the underside of the engine cowling. Experience has shown that during low-level flying, flying in valleys and ravines and flying with cliffs as a background, the shining of the white and yellow paint destroys the effect of the otherwise satisfactory a/c camouflage paint.


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