NSG 9 badge

II./KG 51 intruder operation


Individual report No. 6 of 12/5 addressed to Robinson IC:

Copy of Report No. 2904 from Oblt. Erdmann, IA to Luftflotte 3: report of results of night ops against England on 11–12/5.


Ops: 4 Me 410 of (Roman) II./KG 51 (take-off 23.11 to 23.26 hours) on harassing raid against the English ground organisation: intruder night fighting (Verfolgungsnachtjagd).


Execution of attack: 2 Me 410 carried out an attack in the Cambridge area from 00.05 to 01.45 hours [GMT].


Details: 1 Me 410 attacked from below and astern a four-engined a/c with a single tail unit (thought to be a Stirling) flying at 600 metres in 05 E/0383 at 00.38 hours. The a/c crashed in flames and fire was observed where it hit the ground. This same Me 410 at 00.40 hours sighted another four-engined a/c in 05 E/0383 but lost sight of it after it extinguished its navigation lights. Owing to bad visibility 1 Me 410 failed to sight the enemy. 2 Me 410 broke off owing to technical difficulties.


Defence: slight searchlight activity in 03 E/1370.


Weather: cloudless over the sea and in the ops area. Much haze. Enemy losses: at 00.38 hours 1 four-engined a/c (thought to be a Stirling) shot down in 05 E/0383.


(1) For 5./KG 51 at Gilze Rijen on 6/5 see T181/60 and note.

(2) First mention of Me 410 aircraft with (Roman) II./KG 51, and of operations by this Gruppe since leaving Eastern Front.

These messages were deciphered (and annotated) by the British Government Code and Cipher School.

The reference in note "1)" is to the following earlier message:

"To 5./KG 51 Gilze Rijen from (Roman) II./KG 51 on 6/5. Subject: release of the jettisonable outer tanks. The welded seam of the screwing in socket for the explosive charge (Einschraubstutzen für Sprengsatz) has to be reinforced imediately by 2 to 3 millimetres."

Even a minor maintenance instruction could give a unit's location away.
