I./KG 4 and I./KG 27 in the Crimea: February–March 1944
Report stamped 0330/1/2, signed Einsatzstab Crimea, EMPORE (IA):
Final night report:
Total ops:
10 He 111, of which only 2 succeeded in dropping bombs, owing to weather.
No effects observed.
3 tons of bombs dropped.
On 1/2, from Einsatzstab Crimea, (Roman) I:
(Roman) I/4 proposes the appointment of Hptm. (Truppenoffz.) Bruno Krämer as Staffelkapitän of (Roman) I/4. Hptm. Kraemer has successfully commanded the Staffel since 1 September 1943.
Report issued early on 27/2, signed Einsatzstab CRIMEA, KAUF (IC) and addressed to EMPORE (IA) KAUF (IC):
(Roman) I/27, 9 He 111; (large smudge) 111: attack on KIROVGRAD NORTH airfield with flare-dropper.
Hits on runway between dispersed aircraft in south and west part of the airfield. No detailed results observed.
1 Aircraft dropped two LMB on KIROVGRAD railway station, 2 fires.
Of (Roman) I/27, 2 aircraft broke off prematurely, 2 landed in GOLTA.
Defence, strong A/A of all calibres.
Enquiry from (Roman) I/27 to AMC GOLTA on 27/2 concerning an He 111, 1G+KK, which made a belly-landing at GOLTA. Information was requested when aircraft would leave GOLTA for SARABUS.
Issued evening 27/2, signed Einsatzstab CRIMEA EMPORE (IA), addressed to EMPORE:
Dusk attack on KIROVGRAD NORTH airfield.
12 He 111 of (Roman) I/4; 14 He 111 of (Roman) I/27.
Height of attack 3500 to 4500 metres.
Some hits on runway and on south part of the irfield, as well as on hangars.
After bombs dropped, 2 fires and 1 explosion 200 metres south of the runway.
1 explosion in hangars followed by a fire.
Strong A/A defence, no losses.
Communication of 5/3 from Stabsing. WERNER to BLUME ((Fliegerkorps (Roman) I)), GANZ ((C% QM.)) IT, complaining that Einsatzstab had not received a routine order confirming the allocation of 2 He 111 of (Roman) I/KG.27 to Coastal Staffel CRIMEA.
From Einsatzstab Crimea, HALM (IA), to HALM, ATLAS (IC), stamped 2310/11/3:
Operations up till now:
(Roman) I/4*, 15 He 111: 2 attacked BAKSY, using FREYA control method, 13 attacked TSURAKOVUT, of which 1 owing to engine trouble (word or two illegible).
A fair-sized fire and two explosions were observed in TSURAKOVUT.
2/6**: 110 Go 145 attacked N.E. part of KERCH.
1) * (Roman) I/KG 4.
2) ** 2/NSG 6 (on Einsatzstab Crimea strength 6/3).