ULTRA and NSG 9: November 1944
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10 November 1944
HP 6302
GAFUIT intentions 14 hours/10th for night 10/11th: night GA ops in central front area.
HP 6284
GAFUIT intentions 21.10 hours/10th: owing to favourable weather, night G/A aircraft to operate continuously on road strafing throughout night in central front area.
11 November 1944
HP 6349
On 11th GAFUIT, announced that from 11th night ground attack operation would take place nightly from Verona area to attack roads in centre of front. Time, last light and during night. Secondly, same day GAFUIT asked that front line should be marked out as night ground attack operations were being continued in spite of unfavourable moon conditions.
HP 6363
GAFUIT intentions for night 11/12 ... night ground attack operation central area of front. Comment: last sentence confirms general night ground attack pronouncement given in HP 6349.
12 November 1944
HP 6464
At 14 hours/12th NGA operations in central sector intended at last light on 12th and first light on 13th.
13 November 1944
HP 6561
Some GAFUIT sorties ... (c) night 11/12th night GA operation against column traffic south of Bologna ...
HP 6625
GAFUIT intentions 16 hours/13th for night 13/14th ... night GA op cancelled.
14 November 1944
HP 6725
LXXV. Armee Korps informed by GAFUIT, morning 14th, GAF support for combatting guerillas in area 18km south of Mondovi not possible owing fuel situation.
27 November 1944
HP 8050
10.00/27th intentions GAFIT for ... night 27/28th ... night ground attack operations in central and eastern sectors of front ...
28 November 1944
HP 8118
ZZZZ GAFIT intentions 09.30/28 for 28th and night 28/29th ... night ground attack ops in front of central and eastern front.