Operations in April 1945 (Pages 160–180)


Note: all times are GMT, local time was GMT + 2 hours.



11 April 1945

Six Ju 87 from 20.00–06.10 [night of 11/12th]: attack on artillery positions in the area of the front with observations of any special results.

1 Mosquiteo shot down in air combat.

No losses.

19 April 1945

Six aircraft, harassing attacks, area of front. No losses. [Night 19/20th]

20 April 1945



Two German ground attack aircraft operated between 18.45 and 19.39, probably over the east central battle area. Target was reached and bombs were dropped at about 19.03 and both aircraft were homing by 19.17. One of them was warned of Allied fighters at 19.25 and requested a flare path to be lit when landing shortly after 19.39, probably in the Villafranca area.


Two German ground attack aircraft operated between 18.45 and 19.39, probably over the east central battle area. Target was reached and bombs were dropped at about 19.03 and both aircraft were homing by 19.17. One of them was warned of Allied fighters at 19.25 and requested a flare path to be lit when landing shortly after 19.39, probably in the Villafranca area.


Between 20.51 and 21.49, two German aircraft were heard on a return flight, probably from a ground attack mission. One of them was not heard after 20.59. The second landed at 21.49, requesting the flare path be extinguished as the landing ground could be clearly seen.



21 April 1945



Two German aircraft were airborne on a ground attack mission between 02.50 and 03.59. It is not known whether their target was reached but one of them at any rate had dropped its bombs by 03.03. The other apparently broke off mission owing to engine trouble and a faulty compass and probably reached base safely, despite being closely pursued by an Allied fighter.


Further ground attack activity was recorded between 18.00 and 19.40, when two German aircraft were airborne, probably over the east central battle area. The first aircraft attacked at 18.22. The second reached its target by 19.16, and during its return flight was warned of an Allied fighter at 19.30.

23 April 1945

Evening report of 23 April. Nachtschlacht aircraft operating, details still outstanding.

24/25 April 1945

Morning report of 25 April. NSG 9, 21 aircraft, operation against enemy targets in the central sector of the front. 1 man and 1 aircraft missing. 1 Ju 188 carried out special task.

The damaged aircraft was possibly from 3./NSG 9: the Ju 87 of Lt. Peter Stollwerck and Uffz. Franz Fischer (See Ghost Bombers pages 160, 170 & 199).

"Special task" is the usual term for an agent-dropping mission by a Ju 188 of 4./KG 200's Kommando Carmen which was based at Bergamo. (See Air War Italy 1944-45)

25/26 April 1945

Morning report of 26 April. NSG 9, 12 Ju 87 and 2 Fw 190: attack on traffic crossing over the Po near Ostiglia (SSE of Mantova) and supply traffic in the same area with observation of special effects. Losses: 2 men killed, 1 aircraft destroyed.

The losses on this mission are probably those of Lt. Friedrich Müller and his crewman. Obgefr. Lothar Görtz, in a Ju 87 of 2./NSG 9. (See "Ghost Bombers" pages 172 & 199).

New sources:

MAAF Signal Intelligence Section Summary of Enemy Air Activity for 21 April 1945, via Dr. James H. Kitchens III.

Bundesarchiv RL2-II/389: Morgen-, Abendmeldungen, Nachträge, Nachträge zu Schadensmeldungen (Lw. FüSt. Ic Meldewesen). Bd 5: Reichsgebiet, April 1945.

Bundesarchiv RL 2-II/391: Morgen-, Abendmeldungen, Nachträge, Nachträge zu Schadensmeldungen (Lw. FüSt. Ic Meldewesen). Bd 8: West, 1 – 11 April 1945

I first learned of these Bundesarchiv files from Dr. Christian Möller but they have since become available online, providing sortie and loss figures (although these last may not be complete) not revealed by other sources for the operations concerned.



«Helferinnen» (Page 169)

On 23 April 1945, Komm. Gen’s Chief of Staff directed that female personnel of FAG 122 and NSG 9Helferin were to go to Fliegerhorstkommandantur E(V)222/VII at Bolzano. Once there they would receive new postings from Flughafenbereich 10/VII.

(Right) A «Luftwaffenhelferin» (female auxiliary) and an Oberfeldwebel watch a football match on Villafranca aerodrome in February or March 1945.

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