Over the period in question, this article has identified four airmen dead and two wounded. If the missing pilot was later found to have been killed, the overall totals match. Only one pilot, who was also wounded, is identified as having baled out. However the statistics above are for safe bale-outs (presumably ones where the pilot was unhurt) which seems to leave all three unaccounted for.
Six aircraft have been identified as lost in action plus one crash landed at base after combat, equating to the report's seven losses to enemy action. This leaves four losses to other causes of which no details have yet emerged. If any of these accidents occurred in flight, one or more may be associated with the safe bale-outs mentioned above.
The claims made in the report exceed the number subsequently acknowledged by higher authority (according to the surviving records). These recognised victories were, in their turn, greater than the losses actually suffered by the Allies in combats involving I./JG 2: