Aside from the input cited in the introduction to this article, thanks are due to Andrew Arthy (for extracts from the III./SG 4 Kriegstagebuch that I’d missed) and Neil Page (for the pointer to Also to French historians Alain Cerri and Robert Serre whose online material about the Maquis has enabled me to understand why Geschwader Bongart and other units attacked some of the targets they did; Paul Mathevet for his work on crashed aircraft in the Drôme Département; and especially Philippe Canonne for all the contributions from his continuing investigations of events recorded on memorials in the Indre Département and for the many books and articles he has unearthed. Ed North contributed useful information about aircraft under repair at Villacoublay. Matti Salonen generously provided extensive details of the Geschwader’s aircraft and personnel casualties. Georg Schlaug contributed information about specific operations by 2./FAG 5 and 4./KG 26; Greg Skaggs generously shared his material on Fw. Otto Schild; Christain Berring contributed the Kurt Dommasch memorial card; Steve Coates supplied Technical Intelligence Report No. A-101 on Ètampes-Mondesir; Vince Ochs provided information about his uncle's service with III./Fl.ZG 2. Peter Taghon’s information helped me fill in several details of operations in July and Chris Goss supplied the dates of seven sorties by a pilot of 2./ZG 1; Leo Etgen provided figures for II./SG 103’s losses on D-Day.
National Archives, Kew, London
AIR 20/7703
Calendar of Operations in North-West Europe, July 1944
AIR 20/7704
Luftflotte 3 Daily Situation Reports, August 1944
AIR 23/3458
MAAF Int. Technical Intelligence Section Report No. 20(F)
AIR 23/6509
M.A.T.A.F.: Int/Opsums Nos. 274–538 (incomplete)
AIR 40/45
Crashed enemy aircraft reports: Nos. 154–270 (incomplete)
AIR 40/152
Fw 190 G
AIR 40/2152
AIR 40/2161
A.I.2(g) reports 1613–1750 (incomplete)
AIR 40/2680
German Air Intelligence: Miscellaneous Papers and Reports, 1943–1945
AIR 40/2859
Various technical reports on German Air Force aircraft and equipment (1 March–30 November 1944)
AIR 40/3096
SRA 5300–5399, 21/5/44–27/6/44
AIR 40/3114
CSDIC, Central Mediterranean Force: reports CMF/A 405-A590; information obtained from POWs and refugees (1 Jan 1944–31 Dec 1945)
AIR 51/281
MAAF Field Intelligence Unit, Technical Reports Nos. 16 (8 September 1944), 19 (16 September 1944), 20 (24 September 1944) and 21 (25 September 1944)
HS 6/361
SOE, EUCALYPTUS: communications with London on conditions and supply needs; disruption of road and rail communications; court of enquiry findings: 1944–1945
HS 6/424
Security file: EUCALYPTUS military mission to Vercors; liaison
HS 6/425
Security file: EUCALYPTUS mission court of enquiry
HS 6/564
WILLYS team: to follow up PECTORAL mission to Ardèche
HS 9/339/2
Anne-Marie COMERT, née WALTERS, Report on Mission to France
HS 9/1407/1
George Reginald STARR — born 06.04.1904 (1939–46)
HW 5/428–634
Government Code and Cypher School: German Section: Reports of German Army and Air Force High Grade Machine Decrypts (CX/FJ, CX/JQ and CX/MSS Reports), 27 January–21 December 1944
HW 13/6
Analyses of German Forces' appreciations of Allied intentions for Second Front (9 May–23 August 1944)
HW 13/20
Summaries of GAF Operational Activities: Mar 2 1944–Aug 22 1944
HW 13/38
GNA Vol. XII, OPD 1086–1129: 1 January – 31 March 1944
HW 16/9
GP translated reports of special interest, including GP reaction to RAF Dambusters' raid of May 17 1943 and formation of SS battalion for plundering of booty from occupied countries (1942–45)
HW 16/42
Decrypts of all other GP codes other than No 3, issued as BP daily reports in GPD series (1944 Aug–1945 Feb)
HW 19/276
DEGS: Decrypts from all German Sources referring to German Secret Service, issued by VG (possibly Sub-section Vg) at GC&CS for Section V and GC&CS. :3369–3767 (1 July–21 November 1944)
WO 208/3647
Prisoner of War Interrogation Section (Home) London District Cage: interrogation reports, L.D.C. 199–307 (August 1944)
WO 218/4134
CSDIC (UK) SRA Reports 5537, 5538
WO 228/27/2
Condensed History — 79 Fighter Group
Imperial War Museum, London (Department of Documents)
Air Historical Branch 6 microfilms:
Reel 8: Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 der III./SG 4 (Westfront) (1.11.44–19.1.45)
Reel 16: Kriegstagebuch der III./SG 4 (1.11.43–3.7.44)
Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Freiburg-im-Breisgau
RH 2/61
Fremde Heere West, Feindlage sowie Verteilung der Feindkräfte West (Ende Apr.–25. Sept. 1944)
RL 2-I/72
Lageorientierungen und Einsatzplanungen.- Besprechungs-, Tages-, Vortrags- und Aktennotizen (Fragmente) Bd. 3 (Juni–Juli 1944)
RL 2-I/79
RL 2-I/79: Lageorientierungen und Einsatzplanungen.- Tagesverlauf, Besprechungsnotizen, Bd. 1 (März-Juni 1944)
RL 2-I/80
Lageorientierungen und Einsatzplanungen.- Tagesverlauf, Besprechungsnotizen, Bd. 2 (Juni–Nov. 1944)
RH 4/1342
OKW, Merkblatt 69/2: Bandenbekämpfung (gültig für alle Waffen), (6 May 1944)
RH 19-IV/24
Ob. West, Kriegstagebuch (Westen) Bd. 3 (1.–31. März 1944)
Tagesmeldung OB West IA, 21–30 July 1944
Ob. West, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Juni - Sept. 1944
RH 19-IV/137
Ob. West, Anlagen zum Tätigkeitsbericht Bd. 1 Tagesmeldungen Bd. 1/1 (1. juli–30. Sept. 1944)
RH 19-XII/2
Armeegruppe G, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 (Frankreich/Mittelmeer- und Biskayaküste) (16. Apr.–30. Juni 1944)
RH 19-XII/3
Armeegruppe G, Anlagen Nr. 1–338 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 (mit Planpause und Karte) (26. Apr.–30. Juni 1944)
RH 19-XII/6
Armeegruppe G, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2, Bd 1 (1.–31. Juli 1944)
RH 19-XII/42
Armeegruppe G, Oberquartiermeister, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 mit Anlagen (26. Apr.–30. Juni 1944)
RH 30/74
Kampfgruppe Jesser: Ausgehende Funksprüche (11 June–22 August 1944)
RH 30/75
Kampfgruppe Jesser, Eingehende Funksprüche (18–26 August 1944)
RL 2-II/6
Gen. Stab / Lw. Führungsstab, Anlagen zum KTB, Band 1 (Feb.–Sept.1944)
RL 2-II/4770
Generalstab der Luftwaffe, KTB Bd. 1 / 2 (Mai 1944–März 1945)
RL 2-III/59
Aufstellung, Umbildung, Umbenennung und Auflösung.- Sammlung von Verfügungen, Dienstanweisungen, Organisationsplänen und Geschäftsverteilungsplänen (April–June 1944)
RL 2-III/201
Fliegende Verbände, Stäbe, Nachschubeinrichtungen, Schulen und Ausbildungseinheiten, sonstige Einheiten und Dienststellen, Bodenorganisation, Sanitätseinheiten.- Aufstellungen, Auflösungen und Umgliederungen (1944)
RL 2-III/779
Tägliche Verlustmeldungen.- Flugzeugunfälle bei Schulen und sonstigen Dienststellen, Bd. 11 (1. Mai–15. Juli 1944)
RL 2-III/868
Materialverluste.- Flugzeuge.- Einsatz alle Fronten.- Listen, Bd. 26, Fliegerzielverbände; Flugzeugüberführungsverbände (1941–45)
RL 2-III/974
Flugzeuge: Flugzeugbestand, Flugbetrieb.- Betriebsmeldungen und Statistiken (Jan.–Sept. 1944)
RL 2-IV/40
Invasions-Kalender über den Einsatz der fdl. u. eig. Luftwaffe (July 1944)
RL 7-3/586
Erd-, See- und Luftlagemeldungen (June–August 1944)
RL 7-3/590
Der Sonderbevollmächtigte der Luftflotte 3 in Vichy, Tätigkeitsberichte (April 1943–June 1944)
RL 7-3/599
Luftflotte 3, Verschiedene Angelegenheiten, Bd. 2 (Mai–Juli 1944)
RL 10/357
Kriegstagebuch III./SG 4, Frankreich (1 November 1943–3 July 1944)
RM 6/159
General der Luftwaffe beim Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine: KTB, Bd. 39 (1.–31. Aug 1943)
RM 7/101
OKM/Seekriegsleitung, Bd. 19: Kriegstagebuch Bd. 11 (Juli 1944–Jan. 1945)
RW 35/1353K
Sicherungskräfte, Bandenlage und Bandenbekämpfung im Bereichg. des Mil. Bef. Frankreich, 22. Juli 1944.
(Additional Bundesarchiv material received via Geoff Thomas and Georg Schlaug, circa 1993–94 and Peter Taghon 2021–22)