NSG 9 badge SonderstaffelEinhorntag

Archival Sources

Imperial War Museum, London

‘A Short History of KG 200’ (Interrogation of Oberst Kurt Randel-Semper, KG 200 Operations Officer): British Air Ministry A.D.I.(K) Report No. 398/1945

USAAF Interrogation Report No. 187 on German suicide weapons by Capt. Robert E. Work, 28 November 1945

RAF Air Historical Branch 6: microfilms of captured German documents, Reels 2 and 174

GER/MISC/MCR18: Luftwaffe Gen.Qu. 6. Abt. aircraft loss returns (microfilm copies)

The National Archives, Kew, London

AIR 2/6385: Air Intelligence lists Nos 81–447(B) on enemy casualties and prisoners of war (January 1942–April 1945)

AIR 20/7704: Translations Vol. 5 – Second World War, No. VII/89: War Diary of Luftflotte 3 (Western front) September 1944

AIR 20/7892: Daily Telegraphic Intelligence Summaries (17 September 1943–3 May 1945)

AIR 22/82: 'A GAF Fighter-Bomber Unit on the Western Front' in Air Ministry Weekly Intelligence Summaries, 1945

AIR 26/380–382: Operations Record Book and Appendices, No. 276 Wing

AIR 23/6511: Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Forces Int/Opsums, Oct/Dec 1944

AIR 24/1532: RAF Regiment (January–June 1945)

AIR 24/3459: No. 1 FIU, RAF “A”, Technical Intelligence Report No. 14, Villafranca di Verone A/D (2 May 1945)

AIR 27/12: Operations Record Book No. 1 SAAF Squadron, December 1944

AIR 27/24: ORB No. 2 SAAF Squadron, December 1944

AIR 27/56: ORB No. 4 SAAF Squadron, December 1944

AIR 27/108: ORB No. 7 SAAF Squadron, December 1944

AIR 27/532: ORB Appendices Y, No 56 Squadron, 1 January 1945–31 March 1946

AIR 27/672: ORB Summary of events Y, No. 80 Squadron, April 1945

AIR 27/1361: ORB, No. 219 Squadron, 1 July–30 November 1944

AIR 27/1711: ORB, No. 318 (Polish) Squadron, December 1944

AIR 27/1804: ORB, No. 411 Squadron (RCAF), September 1944

AIR 27/2062: ORB No. 600 Squadron RAF, December 1944

AIR 29/191: ORB No. 8036 AMES, December 1944

AIR 37/9: 2nd Tactical Air Force: Western Europe: Immediate Interpretation and Daily Airfield Reports (1944–45)

AIR 37/1440: SHAEF (MAIN AND REAR): Daily Operational Intelligence Summaries Nos. 1-41 (incomplete) (1945)

AIR 40/152: Fw 190 C, D, F and G Aircraft

AIR 40/1460: 'M' Reports

AIR 40/2161: A.I.2(g) reports 1613–1750 (incomplete) (Jul 44–Mar 45)

AIR 40/2232: Egon—ground control of bombing aircraft on to targets, used by German Air Force units in Europe.

AIR 40/2264: PEARL/ZIP/GAM Reports Nos. 92-122, November 1944-June 45

AIR 40/2372: Second Tactical Air Force: reports on German Air Force activities (1945)

AIR 40/2373: Second Tactical Air Force: reports on German Air Force activities (1945)

AIR 40/2375: RAF Signal Intelligence Reports, 1945

AIR 40/2161: A.I.2(g) reports 1613–1750 (incomplete) (Jul 44–Mar 45)

AIR 40/2421: ADI(K) Report Nos. 214/1945, 231/1945, 232/1945 and 242a/1945

AIR 40/2837: German anti-shipping weapon: Bombentorpedo (underwater bomb) (1945)

AIR 40/2982: Preliminary reports on interrogation of POWs (1 Jan 44–31 Dec 45)

AIR 40/3101: CSDIC (UK) reports SRA 5800–5856: information obtained from German Air Force POWs (8 Feb–31 May 45)

AIR 41/58: The Italian Campaign 1943–1945 (Vol. II, Operations June 1944–May 1945)

AIR 50/22: Combat reports, No. 56 Squadron RAF

AIR 50/34: Combat reports, No. 80 Squadron RAF

AIR 50/142: Combat reports, No. 411 (RCAF) Squadron

AIR 55/227: HQ Second Tactical Air Force: Disarmament Intelligence Summary No. 2 (24 May 1945)

AVIA 7/3792: German aircraft armament and bombs: Telecommunications Research Establishment (TRE) analysis (1 Jan 1943–31 Dec 1945)

AVIA 15/223: Examination of enemy bombsights (1940–46)

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