continued …

18 July

Aircraft of II./JG 2 carried out reconnaissances over south coast of England. They also had orders to shoot down British barrage balloons but bad weather prevented this. Others from the same Gruppe were in action against two Bristol Blenheims in Le Havre area, these being shot down, as was one German aircraft.

At 15.30 a report stated that four Blenheims had attacked Le Havre between 11.07 and 11.28: three were said to have been shot down, one probably by Flak; three were compelled by the Flak to turn away before dropping their bombs. One Me 109 was also shot down.

Two further signals elaborated on the action over Le Havre. British aircraft were reported to have bombed German forces in the neighbourhood of the port at 13.00 hours. Flak batteries were in action, after which fighters took off and shot down three of the raiders. One German machine landed in the sea four miles from the coast, and its pilot, Leutnant Dudek, who had bailed out and was injured, was rescued by two boats which put out from Le Havre.

NOTE: It has been suggested that the Bf 109 was shot down by P/O R.H. Rigby of No. 236 Sqn., who failed to return and is buried in France. Amongst the online sources dealing with this action are:

KG 54 reported that three of their aircraft had attacked a convoy during the morning and that one had not returned by 16.10 hours.

F6+NT made a forced landing in Switzerland. [9./KG 76; incident not mentioned in Karl Ries’ »Deutsche Luftwaffe über der Schweiz 1939–1945«]

W. 34 “ORYS” crashed on 18 July, having left Worms-Biblis for Coulommiers at about 17.00. Subsequently, I./KG 54 was questioned by the Accident Investigation Department of Luftflotte 3, responding that the pilot was well-acquainted with the W. 34 and had a blameless record. The aircraft had been at Coulommiers’ disposal for bringing important individuals from Worms. Since the relevant staff had already left Worms for Coulommiers, the pilot had to get his weather information for the flight from Mannheim-Sandhofen. On 31 July, Oblt. Östermann informed the Ergänzungsstaffel of KG 54 at Münster-Handorf that I./KG 54 wanted a detailed report on the W. 34’s defects from Flughafenbereich Castelnau.

4.(H)/31 reported that one of its aircraft cashed on landing but that the crew was uninjured.

19 July

Seenotdienststelle Ostend reported that at 1430/19 an aircraft, probably an Hs 126, fell into the sea to the NW, about 20 km away.

20 July

A document issued by Reichsmarschall Göring complained about heavy losses of fighters to causes other than enemy action. He expected all commanders to exercise strict supervision; those who neglected their duties and pilots who disobeyed regulations would be severely dealt with.

Obltn. Noack reported to II./KG 2 that Flieger Jelineck of 1. Ground Staff Company had set fire to a Fieseler Storch by firing a signal flare pistol at the roof of a hangar.

A signals aircraft, PZ+AM, was left unserviceable after a forced landing.

21 July

Fliegerdivision 9 complained that its Fw 200s had been fired on by Flak and fighters when returning from Brest. Fliegerkorps V told KG 54 and JG 2 that all crews were to be instructed immediately about the this type’s appearance on the scene.

22 July

An aircraft “6 BF” was reported recently shot down, apparently by German Flak, “as the result of an English message”. It was requested that for future flights over a certain area, route and objective should be notified beforehand.

A Rotte led by [Hauptmann?] Hans-Peter Külbel, Staffelkapitän of 2./ZG 2, suffered one hit in the wings from powerful anti-aircraft fire in the Southampton – Isle of Wight area.

23 July

G1+FD “which probably belonged to III./KG 55” crashed on landing.

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