NSG 9 badge

I./KG 4 and I./KG 27 in the Crimea: February–March 1944


Report stamped 0330/1/2, signed Einsatzstab Crimea, EMPORE (IA):

Final night report:

Total ops:

10 He 111, of which only 2 succeeded in dropping bombs, owing to weather.

No effects observed.

3 tons of bombs dropped.


On 1/2, from Einsatzstab Crimea, (Roman) I:

(Roman) I/4 proposes the appointment of Hptm. (Truppenoffz.) Bruno Krämer as Staffelkapitän of (Roman) I/4. Hptm. Kraemer has successfully commanded the Staffel since 1 September 1943.


Report issued early on 27/2, signed Einsatzstab CRIMEA, KAUF (IC) and addressed to EMPORE (IA) KAUF (IC):

(Roman) I/27, 9 He 111; (large smudge) 111: attack on KIROVGRAD NORTH airfield with flare-dropper.

Hits on runway between dispersed aircraft in south and west part of the airfield. No detailed results observed.

1 Aircraft dropped two LMB on KIROVGRAD railway station, 2 fires.

Of (Roman) I/27, 2 aircraft broke off prematurely, 2 landed in GOLTA.

Defence, strong A/A of all calibres.


Enquiry from (Roman) I/27 to AMC GOLTA on 27/2 concerning an He 111, 1G+KK, which made a belly-landing at GOLTA. Information was requested when aircraft would leave GOLTA for SARABUS.


Issued evening 27/2, signed Einsatzstab CRIMEA EMPORE (IA), addressed to EMPORE:

Dusk attack on KIROVGRAD NORTH airfield.

12 He 111 of (Roman) I/4; 14 He 111 of (Roman) I/27.

Height of attack 3500 to 4500 metres.

Some hits on runway and on south part of the irfield, as well as on hangars.

After bombs dropped, 2 fires and 1 explosion 200 metres south of the runway.

1 explosion in hangars followed by a fire.

Strong A/A defence, no losses.


Communication of 5/3 from Stabsing. WERNER to BLUME ((Fliegerkorps (Roman) I)), GANZ ((C% QM.)) IT, complaining that Einsatzstab had not received a routine order confirming the allocation of 2 He 111 of (Roman) I/KG.27 to Coastal Staffel CRIMEA.


From Einsatzstab Crimea, HALM (IA), to HALM, ATLAS (IC), stamped 2310/11/3:

Operations up till now:

(Roman) I/4*, 15 He 111: 2 attacked BAKSY, using FREYA control method, 13 attacked TSURAKOVUT, of which 1 owing to engine trouble (word or two illegible).

A fair-sized fire and two explosions were observed in TSURAKOVUT.

2/6**: 110 Go 145 attacked N.E. part of KERCH.


1) * (Roman) I/KG 4.

2) ** 2/NSG 6 (on Einsatzstab Crimea strength 6/3).

These messages were deciphered by the British Government Code and Cipher School.

Annotations made by the analysts are in double brackets. Comments such as "large smudge" indicate that reception was interrupted at that point. "C%" means "fair inidications."

All times are GMT.
